Mandala is an art form whose importance lies greatly in the Buddhist and Hindu art forms.  In Sanskrit the word ' mandala' refers to circle or the center. It is first known to be popularized among the Buddhist and they are very often seen in the Buddhist monasteries. 
It is believed that mandalas convey different types of meaning, they can be viewed differently. When we externally view the mandalas it is considered that mandalas give us a visual representation of our universe and internally they are viewed as guides to different meditational practices and as symbols of prayers by the people of countries like China and Tibet.
Mandalas are believed to be the instruments for meditation. It is of the notion that when one goes on entering into a mandala and keeps proceeding towards to the center of the drawn circle, they are guided by some cosmic process that has certain healing powers. The mandalas are regarded as spiritual and ritual symbols in the Asian cultures.  They are the basic symbols representing concentration, meditation and healing. So mandalas can be regarded as symbolic artistic representations of high and deep thinking . 

There are various forms of Mandala that includes the teaching, healing mandala and the sand mandala. Mandalas can be drawn anywhere may it be in the floor, walls of the houses, sand, floors etc. They are various patterns that can be included in a Mandala and it is the arrangement of this shapes repeated in a circular pattern.

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